About Gabrielle

Gabrielle Michalek

Gabrielle Michalek is a professionally trained Medium, Dream Worker, Psychic Intuitive, and Spiritual Mentor

She will guide you to get in touch with your departed loved ones, your wise inner teacher, or your connection to Spirit. Using a combination of her natural intuitive gifts, sharpened skills, and her extensive, immersive training, Gabrielle reaches across spiritual boundaries to connect clients with their own happiness. Her clients find that connecting with loved ones who have passed over can bring substantial healing to their lives.  She believes in helping people unfold their own spiritual path toward healing and wellness with her skilled practice, and gentle guidance to connect psychically with sources outside themselves.

Gabrielle’s notes:

“I was always intuitive and had many psychic experiences as a child, including the ability to see auras.  My family and my cultural surroundings made it clear that I needed a traditional education and to be prepared to support myself out in the world.  After I finally felt financially stable in my 30s, I felt prepared to give these feelings and experiences some attention. As I grew to accept my gifts as an adult, I moved on to explore them and grow in them.  In that process I sought training from some of the very best people. “I was raised in a conservative, working class, Catholic family — and while that kept me from my gifts back in the day, these days I really see intuition and spiritual work as aligned with conventional faith organizations — it can boost your connection with the Sacred. I believe in the Perennial Philosophy — that all religions have areas that overlap (at universal laws, such as thou shalt not kill…). At the center of all these religions there is a core of truth that unites us.”

Training & Experience

Gabrielle is an ordained minister from Rev. Janet Nohavec’s Journey Within Church.  She also holds a MA in Transpersonal Psychology from Atlantic University, founded by Edgar Cayce.  She has studied extensively at Arthur Findlay College and the Lily Dale Assembly. Gabrielle works as a medium and teaches workshops on meditation, and Dreamwork at Lily Dale and other venues. Through her business, Transcendent Ground, Gabrielle helps people to unfold their own spiritual path toward healing and wellness by connecting with sources inside and outside of themselves.

Personal Life

Gabrielle likes to travel, enjoys outdoor activities, experiencing great cooking, and lives in Western New York with her wife and two dogs.

Get In Touch

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Sessions may be pre-purchased by clicking on this link.

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